Home Protolampia è specializzata nella prototipazione rapida. La prototipazione rapida consente di realizzare il prototipo più adatto per ciascuna fase del ciclo di prodotto. Protolampia fa parte del gruppo Plax, azienda leader nel campo della lavorazione di materie plastiche. http://www.protolampia.it/feed/atom.html 2013-04-18T10:12:52Z Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management Fast prototyping 2009-06-29T13:58:32Z 2009-06-29T13:58:32Z http://www.protolampia.it/en/Protolampia/fast-prototyping.html Giuseppe info@extrowebsite.com <h1>Fast prototyping</h1> <h1><br /></h1> {loadposition protolampia} <p>A division of the <strong>Plax Group</strong>, <strong>Protolampia</strong> specialises in <strong>fast prototyping</strong>.   An excellent solution for the development of a new product where different departments within the companies are involved:  marketing, technical departments, production. <br /><br />Fast prototyping, by means of different technologies and their materials, allows a prototype to be carried out which is the most appropriate for each single phase.  It can be conceptual and therefore useful to the designer to check out an idea, functional and so used for assembly and functional tests, or aesthetic, ideal for marketing purposes to check out the market reaction to new proposals or for exhibitions, trade fairs and catalogues.  Pre-series can be carried out to check out the item before it goes into series production.</p> <p> </p> <hr class="separator" /> <h1>Fast prototyping</h1> <h1><br /></h1> {loadposition protolampia} <p>A division of the <strong>Plax Group</strong>, <strong>Protolampia</strong> specialises in <strong>fast prototyping</strong>.   An excellent solution for the development of a new product where different departments within the companies are involved:  marketing, technical departments, production. <br /><br />Fast prototyping, by means of different technologies and their materials, allows a prototype to be carried out which is the most appropriate for each single phase.  It can be conceptual and therefore useful to the designer to check out an idea, functional and so used for assembly and functional tests, or aesthetic, ideal for marketing purposes to check out the market reaction to new proposals or for exhibitions, trade fairs and catalogues.  Pre-series can be carried out to check out the item before it goes into series production.</p> <p> </p> <hr class="separator" /> We follow the customer throughout product development 2009-07-01T07:42:35Z 2009-07-01T07:42:35Z http://www.protolampia.it/en/Protolampia/we-follow-the-customer-throughout-product-development.html Giuseppe info@extrowebsite.com <h1>We follow the customer throughout product development</h1> <p> </p> <p>Our objective is to follow and guide our customer during the entire cycle of product development, intervening during any of the different phases involved and giving advice regarding the choice of the most suitable technology for his particular requirements.</p> <h1>We follow the customer throughout product development</h1> <p> </p> <p>Our objective is to follow and guide our customer during the entire cycle of product development, intervening during any of the different phases involved and giving advice regarding the choice of the most suitable technology for his particular requirements.</p>